Where's the Beef?

I did it, Lord knows I did it. It took me a week of digestion, but I finally put 'er down for the count. In case the picture above isn't clear enough, "IT" was the All Meat Super Burrito. And by all meat, I don't mean that in place of beans and rice it had extra meat. Oh no, sonny, that baby was a super burrito and then some. The mystic All Meat Super Burrito contains a full helping of boiled chicken, carnitas, carne asada, chile verde, and grilled chicken (though they were out of the grilled chicken for mine) all on top of the regular super burrito's rice, beans, cheese, tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream and hot sauce.
In all fairness, I must admit that I didn't finish it. Indeed, the second foil skin could not stem the tide and its meat juice prematurely erupted as it finished all over me. Irregardless of my dignity, I scooped the meat sludge off the wax paper and finished the whole thing. Though, lurching out of bed the next morning, it did cross my mind that maybe I should have given just a bit more regard to ol' meatface. The judges call this round a draw, but, like Kid Dynamite, Sir Meat-a-lot waits in the wings for the inevitable rematch...
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