After meeting a perfectly nice man in a McDonald's parking lot (thanks Craigslist), I am now the proud owner of three tickets in the
Black Hole for the Raider's/49ers preseason game a week from Sunday. Judging by the fact that the man who sold me the tickets could body slam me one handed and drove a monsterous van that could crush my little Camry, this could get pretty intense.
Luckily, I have a couple of comrades coming in on planes, trains and automobiles. From the corn growing capitol of the world, Mr. Jake
the Snake (thats on a plane) Livermore and from sunny Southern California, Steve
My Website Still Redirects to the Nuge Heuertz. Its gonna be an uber spectacular end to the summer.

In other news of the day, I saw a car on fire, no wait make that two cars, since one next to the first one caught one on fire. A lot of police showed up and then some firemen sprayed them both down (rather lackadaisically I might add). If you don't believe me check out the ultrahigh resolution picture I took with my Andy Warhol approved cell phone camera. Nothing goes undocumented in the 21st century!
Also, now is the time if you want to start petitioning to be on my team for
RAGBRAI next year. I can't let Lance steal my thunder (I announced I was riding first, Mr. Tour de France!). I'm also taking team name suggestions. I have the utmost confidence that our team will surpass Bulldog's
Team Pink Floyd in notability. And yes, I already saw that
Team Pink Floyd is the third most notable team listed by
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shit, who's been peppering Wikipedia w/Team Pink Floyd bizness?
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is there an application process for your team? I have had RAGBRAI on my list of things to do for about 5 years now, so could use some motivation to participate (should i get past your initial screening process for teammates)
-BK Version 1.0
At 7:53 PM,
DJ said…
Consider this my start of petitioning of being on your team for RAGBRAI. Next objective: Buy A Bike. Next next objective: Overtake Team Pink Floyd in the Wikipedia ranking of best teams on RABGRAI. And if we can't beat em, we join em!
At 11:57 PM,
Bmax said…
Consider your petitions officially accepted. Now, I've just got to get my hands on one of those two-wheelers and I'll be cooking with gas!
At 12:57 PM,
Oliveslav said…
Snake on a train in Swiss alert
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