¿Quién es kyle xy?

Yes, who exactly is Kyle XY? I believe he has something to do with a television show to appear this fall. Whoever he is, I am calling his belly-buttonless form into service to help me rate the summer blockbusters I have seen recently.
Superman Returns
The Man o' Steel Returns! And where ws he hiding all along? Well, growing up in Des Moines and attending the University of Iowa of course. A fun summer extravaganza, though Superman remains the most inexplicable superhero. What exactly are the limits of his powers? I mean the guy can spin time backwards, yet he tends to spend a disproportionate amount of time time thwarting bank robberies and other petty crimes.
The Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
Not nearly as fun as the original and not to ruin the ending, but it was only half of a movie. Johhny Depp famously based his character of Cap'n Jack Sparrow on the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards and incredible as it may seem, I believe that ol' Keith may have more life pumping through his undead veins than this movie.
A Scanner Darkly
If you had enough patience to sit through the inane pseudointellectual psychobabble (much like that preceeding phrase) of Richard Linklater's Waking Life you were treated to a visually interesting film. Fortunately, you don't have to torture yourself cause Ricky has made a much better remix called A Scanner Darkly. He replaced all those pointless conversations with paranoid stoner conversations, which are at least humorous to listen to. He also decided to add a plot to the movie, which drags at times, but ends with a positive message for all the young folks in the audience.
Next up on my list of summer movies is You, Me and Dupree starring Behind Enemy Lines' own Owen Wilson. Speaking of Mr. Wilson (Dennis!!!), my subscription to Time Magazine delivered the goods once again as it informed me that Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson are cowriting a new feature. One can only imagine what that will entail...
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