Bmax Comes Alive

I reckon that Bmax fellow swings by this corner now and then

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Update your rolodexes!

Thats right, Bmax is moving on up to the Eastside. And by that, I mean that I am moving on down to north Berkeley. As of June 1, 2005, my new digs will be at:

Brian Maxwell Kessler
1921 Francisco St. #2B
Berkeley, CA 94709

Its probably a place just like yours... if you have your very own pool! Oh yeah, punks, my new place comes equipped with its very own pool. So, when you chumps are gettin' toddler feces all over you at the public pool this summer, I'll be basking in my very own urine.

Eat your heart out Mario Lopez!


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