Bmax Comes Alive

I reckon that Bmax fellow swings by this corner now and then

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

There comes a time in every young man's life when he realizes that he is becoming his father. This happened to me earlier today as I attempted to sit down, but instead split my pants at the crotch (insert, then delete tasteless joke here).

Now, its not that my Dad is a habitually crotch ripper (who knows? maybe he is, lets not judge), its what I did next that made me realize what I have become.

My first reaction wasn't, "Oh, dang! This pair of pants is ruined." It was, "Where's that sewing kit Dad gave me for my Birthday?"

So, now I have a pair of pants with a sewn-up crotch. And try as hard as I might to ignore it, there is no getting around the fact that yep, they're sewn-up, just like that pair I make fun of Pa for wearing.

I take this whole incident as a sign that I have let my marathon training lapse over this past week.


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