Go on, take the money and run!
So, I had some birthday cheques to cash today and sauntered down to the local Well's Fargo depot to TCB. Having done two loads of laundry the previous night, I was in dire need of quarters. I told the man behind the counter to give me two rolls as part of my payment. I grabbed the cash without much thought and went on my merry way to class. After class, I was going to grab a quick bite to eat when I reached into my wallet and pulled out the money. Counting through the bills I thought, hey wait, I'm two dollars short, no wait, I'm eighteen dollars too much. Counting and recounting, I come to the conclusion that the man behind the counter gave me two rolls of quarters in place of two dollars. Now, yours truly is in stickly pickle. What is the appropriate course of action? Well, I did what any red-blooded American would do: I marched right back down to the bank and returned the eighteen dollars to the teller. Phew, eternal damnation averted for one more day...
Even without the eighteen dollars, I have extra cash burning a hole in my pocket and what does one do with extra cash? Well, try to get a hold of "The Muppet Show" on DVD of course. Logging on to Amazon.com, I find that all of the "Best of" compilations are out of stock and are fetching absurd prices for used copies. Befuddled, I log on to henson.com only to learn the sad truth that the Muppets were bought by Disney a year ago. As Michelle Tanner would say, "How wude!" Looking into the situation further, I find out that Disney has been preparing to release entire seasons with extras this summer. In the meantime, Time-Life has their remaining 3-episode DVDs on clearance. With some quick thinking, I decided to engage in some capitalistic speculation figuring that I can watch the Time-Life DVDs now and sell them when the full seasons come out and make a gagillion dollars in the process. Pure Johnny Rockafella Genius!
In right-hand-side of the website news, I noticed that Tia has taken a commmanding lead in the poll. Voting will run until sometime next week, so P-Diddy urges you to skate or die! More importantly, the digital homesteader act has allowed me to lay claim to 20 acres and a mule for the purposes of hosting a guestbook. So, feel free to sign the new guestbook with any thoughts you may have.
Even without the eighteen dollars, I have extra cash burning a hole in my pocket and what does one do with extra cash? Well, try to get a hold of "The Muppet Show" on DVD of course. Logging on to Amazon.com, I find that all of the "Best of" compilations are out of stock and are fetching absurd prices for used copies. Befuddled, I log on to henson.com only to learn the sad truth that the Muppets were bought by Disney a year ago. As Michelle Tanner would say, "How wude!" Looking into the situation further, I find out that Disney has been preparing to release entire seasons with extras this summer. In the meantime, Time-Life has their remaining 3-episode DVDs on clearance. With some quick thinking, I decided to engage in some capitalistic speculation figuring that I can watch the Time-Life DVDs now and sell them when the full seasons come out and make a gagillion dollars in the process. Pure Johnny Rockafella Genius!
In right-hand-side of the website news, I noticed that Tia has taken a commmanding lead in the poll. Voting will run until sometime next week, so P-Diddy urges you to skate or die! More importantly, the digital homesteader act has allowed me to lay claim to 20 acres and a mule for the purposes of hosting a guestbook. So, feel free to sign the new guestbook with any thoughts you may have.
At 5:53 AM,
DJ said…
I don't know what Tramadol is!
At 10:59 PM,
Bmax said…
Thank you Lisa for your wonderful tip! For DJ, pla-leeese read this and do be careful when stopping Tramadol!
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