Bmax Comes Alive

I reckon that Bmax fellow swings by this corner now and then

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Don't Believe the Hype

Apparently, some people in this world believe that David Cross is overhyped, but what about his other half, Bob Odenkirk. However hyped he may or may not have been, Mr. Odenkirk has sunk to a new low in my book. That opinion is based on an article where he puts his boner on the modern-day Andy Kaufman's head (NB: putting one's boner on another's head is the supreme sign of respect and derives from the instance when Socrates put his boner on Plato's head). For those of you who didn't read the above article, it talks about Mr. Kaufman's dream to one day be cool and hang out with rock stars.

That got me thinking about another guy who desperately wants to be cool. My freshman roommate in college was a crazy Quentin Tarantino fan. Now, his movies were all right, but I didn't really believe all the hype. I saw Four Rooms for the first time yesterday and while not his greatest film, I realized that I've bought the hype, hook, line and sinker. Watching his movies is like seeing what a fourteen-year-old with encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture would do with a camera. They only contain the things that you would say, "Remember that part where..." or "That was awesome when..." to your friends as you walked out of the theater. Anyways, it made me wish that he had made the Matrix sequels.


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