Macho Sunday
Yesterday, I participated in something known as "Macho Sunday." This is a tradition that a friend had inherited from his Dad of having an all male gathering to watch the division championship football games and eat manly food. My contribution to the food section was tater muffins. And if you want to make tater muffins at home read on to find out how.
Step 1. Arrive with frozen tater tots
Step 2. Realize that the host has a deep fat fryer and decide to "fry these babies up" as per the instructions on the side of the package
Step 3. When instructions on side of package produce soggy/floppy tots, continue frying much longer in an attempt to crispify them
Step 4. Give up on frying when tots become an indistinguishable mass of potatoes and pour potato mass onto paper towels
Step 5. Discuss with host what can be done to make this even remotely palatable
Step 6. Decide, let's put this in muffin tins and broil it
Step 7. Remove from broiler and serve
Step 8. Warily eye tater muffins
Step 9. Enjoy ribs, steak, cornbread and pie
Step 1. Arrive with frozen tater tots
Step 2. Realize that the host has a deep fat fryer and decide to "fry these babies up" as per the instructions on the side of the package
Step 3. When instructions on side of package produce soggy/floppy tots, continue frying much longer in an attempt to crispify them
Step 4. Give up on frying when tots become an indistinguishable mass of potatoes and pour potato mass onto paper towels
Step 5. Discuss with host what can be done to make this even remotely palatable
Step 6. Decide, let's put this in muffin tins and broil it
Step 7. Remove from broiler and serve
Step 8. Warily eye tater muffins
Step 9. Enjoy ribs, steak, cornbread and pie
At 9:33 AM,
Ian Richard said…
mmmm...tater muffins....
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
i second that emotion!
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