Bmax Comes Alive

I reckon that Bmax fellow swings by this corner now and then

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Satan was in front of me

So, when you think of Japan and the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, what two things instantly spring to mind? If you answered:

1. Denny's
2. Hip-Hop Music

Then give yourself a pat on the back! Because I was down in Japantown earlier today and thats exactly what I saw. The reason why both of these fit perfectly is that the Denny's wasn't a regular Denny's. It was specifically labelled "Denny's: Japantown" and the rappers were talking about George W. Bush inbetween songs (though the rap I overheard had something to do with SAT scores, so go figure).

On a related note, I watched a Discovery channel special on Hiroshima recently and it was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. There were numerous shots of people suffering from radiation sickness and severe burns. One thing I didn't know before watching was that the firestorm parched the Earth and everyone was desperate for water, fighting each other to death to get to any small pools. Then the intense heat and smoke rising up caused a pitch black rain to fall. People drank the rain not knowing that it was extremely radioactive. Nuclear war sucks!

For something a little more cheery, I'd like to send out props to my brodie Joey G. Everytime I listen to "The Moon and Antarctica" by Modest Mouse, I have a wierd nostalgia for this time I was riding in the back of Joe's Jeep Grand Cherokee® late one summer night. Being in the way back, I couldn't hear the conversation all that well, so all I really heard was this album. And I didn't really mind, cause it was one of those summer nights that seems like it will last forever. And now (in the corniest way possible) whenever I hear the album, it does...

You're so pale! Haven't you just been touring South America?


  • At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    word up dude. them was so good ole days


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