Watch Out Thomas Alva!
I was up skiing in South Lake Tahoe. We woke up to a snow storm on Saturday. After installing my chains we attempted to make our way to the slopes. Unfortunately, the way to our first choice destination of Sierra was blocked by avalanche control. We ended up going to Kirkwood. This made for some great skiing, nice snow and few people, even if it was cold and windy.
When we returned to our car, the snow and ice had frozen over all the windows. Now, this is a common occurence in my home state of Iowa. So, I had stashed an ice scraper in the trunk of my car for just such an occasion. Somehow, this ice scraper had escaped between last spring and now. What was a man to do?
Well, I'll tell you what I did; I improvented a new type of ice scraper specifically tailored to California. The detailed plans are as follows:

Now, you may say, "Mr. Kessler, that sure looks an awful lot like a frisbee." And I would respond, "Well, any Californian with a frisbee in their trunk must be infringing on my patent. Just ask Michael Crichton, no really, ask him. He's got a lot to say on the subject."
When we returned to our car, the snow and ice had frozen over all the windows. Now, this is a common occurence in my home state of Iowa. So, I had stashed an ice scraper in the trunk of my car for just such an occasion. Somehow, this ice scraper had escaped between last spring and now. What was a man to do?
Well, I'll tell you what I did; I improvented a new type of ice scraper specifically tailored to California. The detailed plans are as follows:

Now, you may say, "Mr. Kessler, that sure looks an awful lot like a frisbee." And I would respond, "Well, any Californian with a frisbee in their trunk must be infringing on my patent. Just ask Michael Crichton, no really, ask him. He's got a lot to say on the subject."