Bmax Comes Alive

I reckon that Bmax fellow swings by this corner now and then

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Answer me...

If I told you that I had just played a pickup game on a local basketball court, what two things would you immediately assume were going on in the adjacent courts?

Well, if you answered:

a) people playing full court basketball... on unicycles, then you would be half right

and if you followed that up with:

b) a group of black men shooting dice for money, then you get to take home the grand prize


  • At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, I love your blog! I really think you'd like my site about Matthew Lesko. Also, remember when we wanted to learn how to shoot dice in the alley? We should do that sometime. But learn the rules first, cause just throwin dice and waving singles in the air doesn't make much sense.


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