One Angry Man and 11 Indifferent Folks
This weekend, Paul Rust, Adam Pash and Ellen Flaherty were in town for Paul's sister's wedding. First of all, congrats to Amy Rust and Scott Ferguson on getting hitched. May they have many years of blissful marritude. Second of all, thanks to this dude

for organizing the chair lifting at the reception. It was like The Chicken Dance and Shout combined!
After the wedding festivities, Adam, Ellen and I hit the town. In case you ever find yourself in the second-most-popular-vacation-destination-for-Europeans-visiting-America, I've compiled a quick tour guide of things you just have to do while you're here.
1. Feel veiled hostility from all of the waitstaff at a restaurant in Chinatown for ordering from the menu instead of eating dim sum off their carts.
2. Ride a packed bus with a burned-out rocker lady who screams/whines for people to, "Get off the fucking steps, we wanna go!" the entire ride.
And that about does it for must-do's in Frisco. Finally, we arrive at the title of this entry. Yep, yours truly must have angered the gods somehow because I just pulled jury duty next month. My basic strategy when I arrive is to object to leading the witness, that or hearsay.

for organizing the chair lifting at the reception. It was like The Chicken Dance and Shout combined!
After the wedding festivities, Adam, Ellen and I hit the town. In case you ever find yourself in the second-most-popular-vacation-destination-for-Europeans-visiting-America, I've compiled a quick tour guide of things you just have to do while you're here.
1. Feel veiled hostility from all of the waitstaff at a restaurant in Chinatown for ordering from the menu instead of eating dim sum off their carts.
2. Ride a packed bus with a burned-out rocker lady who screams/whines for people to, "Get off the fucking steps, we wanna go!" the entire ride.
And that about does it for must-do's in Frisco. Finally, we arrive at the title of this entry. Yep, yours truly must have angered the gods somehow because I just pulled jury duty next month. My basic strategy when I arrive is to object to leading the witness, that or hearsay.
At 12:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hiya, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a miracles blog. It pretty much covers miracles related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
At 4:19 AM,
DJ said…
First, I should welcome all the robots that now visit BMAXs blog. And secondly- jury duty is awesome! I did it, you can do it to! least ya get paid for it.
At 3:10 PM,
Broshaq said…
Isn't that the douche from 3rd Rock?
-Chuck C.
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeah, man, you just got took...big time!!!
At 10:16 PM,
Bmax said…
Well, I'd like to be the second to welcome all the robosexuals to my blog. And I believe that Msr. Broshaq you are mistaken. That is the thespian Jason Gordon-Levitt as seen in Ten Things I Hate About You. Finally to jake (if you are not an adbot), who got took and where to?
At 12:23 PM,
Broshaq said…
jason gordon levitt was on 3rd rock brody!
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