Goodbye Cruel World...
I'm off to join the circus! Thats right folks, I've decided to shuffle off this mortal coil in the slowest manner possible, by decadently eating myself to an early grave. If you reach back in time, you can see the beginings of this path chronicled in blog form. You'll notice, one of the goals of that blog post was healthier living. Well, I've continued to follow Mr. Beard's recipes, though more so his dictums, which can effectively be boiled down to:
When in doubt add more butter and wrap it in bacon!
With such advice, you may wonder how ole Jimmy himself coped with his strategies for frying, sauteing and pouring fatty, fatty sauces over mounds of meat. Well, as this picture shows, I think he did quite admirably for himself.

All in all, the bacon-wrapped gravy train to Heartattacksville is not a bad way to go.
In some sort of Dewey v. Truman fiasco, the poll is once again locked up at five apiece. Now, a brand-spanking new poll is waiting in the wings. So, hopefully, a winner will be decided soon. I just can't take the suspense.
When in doubt add more butter and wrap it in bacon!
With such advice, you may wonder how ole Jimmy himself coped with his strategies for frying, sauteing and pouring fatty, fatty sauces over mounds of meat. Well, as this picture shows, I think he did quite admirably for himself.

All in all, the bacon-wrapped gravy train to Heartattacksville is not a bad way to go.
In some sort of Dewey v. Truman fiasco, the poll is once again locked up at five apiece. Now, a brand-spanking new poll is waiting in the wings. So, hopefully, a winner will be decided soon. I just can't take the suspense.
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