If you are reading this blog, you probably know that I'm a nerd. In fact, you may be a nerd yourself. Now, I've done my fair share of nerdy things, but I think one of the hallmarks of true nerd-dom is waiting in long lines at absurd times of the day for things that really aren't worth it.
I stood around waiting for the rerelease of Star Wars in the theatre. We even got local weatherman
Joe Winters and his crew to sing the main title theme with us and continue singing it after we stopped (talk about nerds!) In the days before the internet, getting those primo tickets to the Smashing Pumpkins used to require standing in line at the local
Hy-Vee while your parents did their grocery shopping.
Recently though, I experienced a whole new world of nerdity. I found myself at six in the morning on a weekend waiting in line for tickets to the monthly
REI returns and used equipment sale. Thats right, I was in the company of
Outdooricus Nerdicus. There were old-timers in line swapping stories about the sale at the nearby Walnut Creek store and last month's sale. But those grizzled vets had nothing on us, we made it in the first twenty tickets and went back to sleep before they let the first herd in at ten.
End result: a shiny 'new' $15 backpack (originally $50) that will hold my laptop and other esseantials comfortably.