Get your calendar-circling pen ready folks, cause today marked
Cal Day 2005. Wha-wha-what is Cal Day??? Well, its the day each year when the University of California lovingly opens its doors to the public with fun and games for the whole family. The most important event being the International House's
Spring Fest. This is because it combined the two things I love: food and traditional folk dances.
Lets take a look at what sort of foods I sampled. First off, we have curry fish balls courtesy of a pan-asian group known as
"The Rock."
Now, I must say
domo arigato to the folks from Japan who served me delightful shrimp balls.

Not really sure what the dilly was with seafood-in-balls theme from the asian representatives... At least the Swedes decided to mix it up with fish eggs in a tube.

Moving to dances, I witnessed a traditional Bolivian folk dance.

I also saw the sauvest 8-year old in the world bust out the alluring tondero.

In the end, what sort of new cultural insights did I gain. Before today, I knew
this band was from Sweden, but I didn't know about
this one. Job well done, Spring Fest!
In other news, Eugene Greytak has jumped out to an early lead in the straw poll on your left. Don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity to select a new pope slip by, or else we could end up with
this guy.